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Holy Magic Century

UK Release date: 

30 September 1998




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Quest 64 (Magic Century in Europe, Australia and New Zealand, Eltale Monsters in Japan) is a role-playing video game (RPG) developed by Imagineer for the Nintendo 64. It was released in North America in June 1998 by THQ, Europe in September 1998 by Konami and July 1999 by Imagineer. It is the first role-playing video game released for the system in North America. After Quest 64's moderate financial success, a sequel was in consideration by the developer Imagineer. However, only the sequel's story was revealed before it was ultimately cancelled. Imagineer released two other related games for the Game Boy Color: Quest: Brian's Journey and a maze game called Quest: Fantasy Challenge.

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Holy Magic Century

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Release Date:

14 April 1998

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Release Date:

6 June 1996

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